Well, another presidential election has come and gone. Personally, I was disappointed in the selection of the candidates. Neither McCain or Obama really impressed me with their campaigns. Neither really stepped out and WOWED me or pulled me in. My votes reflected this as I voted for independents.

I think the main reason for that was that in this campaign, more than any other in recent history, the focus was on winning at any cost. I swear that I learned more about each candidate from the other candidate's adds. So many attack adds soured this for me. I know that it's the goal of each side to win but I got the impression that it was a race to make sure that the other guy didn’t win. I think an election should be about what each candidate can do to make the country better rather than pointing at the other guy and say how he’s going to make the country worse.

Also, I don't think either candidate was able to answer some of the questions proposed to them during the debates. They got so long winded that the answer either didn't make sense or didn’t come out at all. Both dodged the issues so that they could then continue speaking about what they wanted rather than what the questions asked.

So now we have Obama. I think he'll do alright but the one issue that I'm concerned about is high expectations. From the reports on the news and radio stations that I watch and listen to it seams that some people think that Obama is the messiah to come and solve all problems. Seriously, I think people have this expectation that he is going to enter the White House and wave a magic wand to make everything better. Now I'm sure he’s going to do what he can to act on what he's been campaigning about but it's going to take at least a year or two to get things going, even with a Party dominant Senate. I don't want to see everyone that voted for him to expect salvation and then get severely disappointed if that doesn't happen. It will only lead to more problems for Obama to solve and he”s got enough on his plate as it is.

One final note I would like to make is something that I hope I don't get in trouble about. That is: black people have nothing to complain about now. A black president has been elected to the position of President of the United States of America. It's time for them (and all other races, including whites) to stop making an issue about being brought down because of skin color. You can make it! It’s proven! Stop wasting time making an issue of race and make something out of yourself instead!

That’s all I have to say.

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