Trixcord is Finished
Trixcord is now done! It was a fun time writing it and I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out. Go ahead and read it here and here! Now that th...

Trixcord is here!
Got the newest Trixcord chapter, as promised! Go read! At Fanfiction and FiMFiction. Enjoy!

As Promised, Trixcord
Got the next part done. Not much longer now and the story will be finished. Find it here and here. Enjoy!

Even More Trixcord
I've been bad and haven't updated my own site even as I'm updating my fics. So, to make it up, here's more Trixie and Discord causing havoc. Go rea...

Trixcord Updated
Got another chapter ready for ponies! Go check it out here and here! As far as scheduling goes, I'm thinking of putting Worlds Apart on hold so tha...

Super Special Awesome Post
Why is it super special awesome? Because I've got two, count 'em, TWO story updates today! One for Worlds Apart and one for Trixcord! Go read them ...

Another Pony Plot: Trixcord
Once again, I've been struck with ideas that won't leave me until I've written them down. It's playing havoc with the stuff that I haven't finished...