Another Fanfiction Chapter Posted
The next chapter of Fighter's Pride is up. The next one might be a while in coming since I'm only a quarter way through it and I haven't even start...

Super Bowl Commercial
I'll be honest. I mostly watch the Super Bowl for the commercials. Ask me next year who played this year's game and I'll just stare dumbly back and...

New Fanfiction Chapter Posted
Chapter two of Fighter's Pride is available on my fanfiction.net account. Check it out if you're interested. http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1750124/R_...

Fanfiction Story Uploaded
I have my first story uploaded on fanfiction.net. At first I was going to wait until the story was completed but I got impatient and wanted the fir...

Radio Shows 2
It turns out that "shocking" just wasn’t good enough for the radio station I listen to that carried Opie and Anthony. They've canceled the sh...

Website Finished
For now at least. Finally finished last week. After a year of me having this webspace. I had just a few sections to complete and it had dragged on ...

An Old Hobbie Resurfaces
I have recently gotten back into a hobby that I fiddled around with in high school. That hobby would be fanfiction. In my fanfiction post a few mon...

2008 Election
Well, another presidential election has come and gone. Personally, I was disappointed in the selection of the candidates. Neither McCain or Obama r...

Chrono Cross
I just finished playing through Chrono Cross, a RPG video game on the Sony Playstation. It was a sequel to Chrono Trigger, one of the most popular ...

Radio Shows
Since moving into my new office at work I've been listening to the radio more often. While surfing through the channels I came across a radio show ...

Company Golf Outing
Last night the company had a golf outing. We go on these every few months and they are very fun. We generally have to have large groups go together...

Currently Playing
So I’ve gotten back into playing Chrono Trigger with Pokemon on the side. Funny thing is that I noticed that the game will be re-released on ...

120 Stars in Super Mario Galaxy
I finally got 120 stars in this game! I had purchased it last year and beaten the main game but then put it away to concentrate on others. However,...

Summer 2008 Camping Trip
My parents and I went to Hamlin State Park for the Labor Day weekend. It was a nice place and had several beaches alongside Lake Ontario. We didn't...

Going Camping
After waiting a good year and a half my dad's camper is ready to go. We’ll be heading to a campsite near lake Ontario in the Rochester area. ...